FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


Was my order successful?

When you have placed order successfully, you will receive an order confirmation to the e-mail address you provided at the checkout page. Separate payment confirmation is sent by payment service after successful payment. Please check also spam and junk folder, as the confirmation e-mail could land there. If you suspect misspelling your e-mail address, please contact our customer service at store[at]backstagerockshop.com.

I accidentally misspelled my name/address while ordering. Can I change my information?

If there is need to correct the contact details please contact us as soon as possible at our customer service store[at]backstagerockshop.com with your order number included.

Can I add items to my order?

After the order has been successfully placed, adding new items is unfortunately not possible. Therefore, please make sure the content of shopping cart is satisfactory before proceeding to checkout.


Where will I be able to collect my order?

PLEASE NOTE! All orders from Tuska Click & Collect Store will be delivered to pick-up point on the festival week. No shipping to other locations available!

Pick-up point is located in Shopping Centre Redi, Helsinki.

Opening hours

Wed 26.6.2024 klo 12-19
Thu 27.6.2024 klo 12-21
Fri 28.6.2024 klo 11-21
Sat 29.6.2024 klo 11-21
Sun 30.6.2024 klo 12-15

All uncollected orders will be canceled and refunded in full without further notice.

What do I need to be able to collect the order?

Please present your order confirmation or order number at the collection point.

I did not collect my order from the collection point in time. What happens now?

All uncollected orders will be canceled & refunded in full without further notice.


What methods of payment are available from outside Finland?

The possible methods for international orders are Credit Card Payments. Further Information on Payments.

What is € (euro)? How can I see the price with other currency?

Euro is the currency used in the European Union. You can browse products in six different currencies: EUR, USD, CAD, AUD, GBP and JPY. Because Euro is our default currency, all prices will be shown in Euros at checkout. and Credit Cards will automatically convert your currency for the order once you proceed to the payment.

When am I charged for my order?

All orders paid with Credit Card transactions are debited when you have returned to the store from the Payment Gateway.


How can I return an item in my order?

We have a 14-day (from receiving the delivery) return policy. Textiles need to be clean and unworn, without stains, hair or pet hair. Customers outside Finland have to take care of the return shipping costs themselves. Kindly note, return policy excludes underwear and other hygienic or intimacy products. Learn more about Returns.

Can I exchange the item to another size?

The items pre-ordered from Tuska Click & Collect Store can not be exchanged.

I have received a faulty or incorrect item, how should I proceed?

We strive to deliver the appropriate goods in flawless condition. However, if you received wrong or faulty product, please contact us at Shopping Centre Redi’s Tuska Store Click & Collect Point or via e-mail store[at]backstagerockshop.com and we will advise how to proceed with the issue.


How do I choose a shirt / item of the right size?

The trademark, manufacturer and size chart are included in the item information. It is worthwhile to bear in mind that the sizes between manufacturers can differ, so check the measurements provided for the item. If there is information missing from product page you are interested in, contact our customer service at store[at]backstagerockshop.com for help.

Will the shirt that I have just bought shrink after first wash?

All textiles (t-shirts, tank tops, girlies, hoodies etc) available have been pre-shrunk, meaning the size or shape won't change when washing the item. We recommend to wash the textiles in washing machine at 40 degrees (Celsius) inside out. This way the print(s) on the product remain in prime condition for a long time.

How do you check the quality of my shirt, will it be clean and unbroken? Is the quality good?

We inspect all products entering our warehouse to ensure that their quality meets our standards. We will not send you a defective or dirty product. We use reliable partners to make prints, embroideries and markings on our fan products.

Is the product I bought an official Tuska product?

Backstage Rock Shop is a proud home of official Tuska merchandise. You'll find a wide range of products from our Tuska Click & Collect Store which we operate in co-operation with the festival organization.


Is it safe to purchase items from your webshop?

Our store is SSL Encrypted so yes, it is. You can learn more about our store safety in Privacy Policy and Information on payments.